Privacy Policy

  1. Your privacy

DVD Jewellery Pty Ltd (“DVDJ”, “us”, “our” and “we”) is committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act as well as other applicable legislation.

  1. What we collect and how we collect it

The personal information we collect about you depends on the dealings you have with us. Personal Information includes information about an individual who is reasonably identifiable. For example, if you:

 (a) When you set up an online account, we will collect your name, contact details, order details, credit card details, delivery address and we may also ask you to provide your date of birth and gender

(b) Make an in-store purchase or enquiry, we may collect your credit card, identity, and transaction details in person and, if you require delivery of goods, your name, contact details and delivery address.

(c) Attend our store, we may capture images and/or sound recordings of you through CCTV cameras.


  1. Why we collect personal information

We collect, hold, use, and disclose personal information in order:

(a) Deal with your enquiries, communicating with you and conduction the general business of DVDJ.

(b) Processing transactions, in-store and online, and delivering products and services.

(c) Promoting DVDJ and its products and services, including through direct marketing.

(d) Protecting the security of our stores, staff, customers, suppliers, and merchandise (including theft and fraud prevention).

We may also collect, hold, use, and disclose personal information for other purposes explained at the time of collection or which are required or authorized by or under law, and for which you have provided consent.


  1. Who we may share your personal information with

We may share your personal information with third parties where appropriate for the purposes set out above, including:

(a) Financial institutions for payment processing.

(b) Delivery and shipping providers, external business advisers (such as recruitment advisors, auditors, and lawyers); and

(c) Regulatory, investigative or government bodies to comply with laws.

We may ask one of these third parties to contact you directly for a specific purpose and provide us with information collected from you in the course of providing the relevant products or services.


  1. Cross border disclosure

We may disclose personal information to overseas recipients, who are located in places such as Hong Kong, China, India, the USA and other countries or jurisdictions depending on the nature of the services those recipients provide to DVDJ (for example storing data via a cloud service).


  1. Data quality and security

We hold personal information in a number of ways, including in printed documents, electronic databases, and email contact lists. Printed documents may be held at DVDJ’s office or archived in boxes and stored in secure offsite facilities. We take reasonable steps to:

(a) Ensure that the personal information that we collect, use, and disclose is accurate, up to date and complete and (in the case of use and disclosure) relevant.

(b) Protect the personal information that we hold from misuse, interference, and loss and from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure; and

(c) Destroy or permanently de-identify personal information that is no longer needed for purposes permitted by the APPs. 

The steps we take to secure personal information include website protection measures, security restrictions on access to DVDJ's computer systems, controlled access to DVDJ's premises, policies on document storage and security, personnel security and training and workplace policies. While we Endeavor to protect the personal information of users of our website, we cannot guarantee the security of information you disclose online: you disclose that information at your own risk.


  1. Access and correction

Please contact our Privacy Officer if you would like to access or correct the personal information that we hold about you. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing any access or correction requests, to make sure that the personal information we hold is properly protected.

We will generally provide you with access to your personal information within 30 days, subject to some exceptions permitted by law. We will also generally provide access in the manner that you have requested (e.g. by providing photocopies or allowing a file to be viewed), provided it is reasonable and practicable for us to do so. We may however charge a fee to cover our reasonable costs of locating the information and providing it to you.

If you ask us to correct personal information that we hold about you, or if we are satisfied that the personal information, we hold is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant, or misleading, we will take reasonable steps to correct that information to ensure that, having regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant, and not misleading. If we correct personal information about you, and we have previously disclosed that information to another agency or organization that is subject to the Privacy Act, you may ask us to notify that other entity. If so, we will take reasonable steps to do so, unless this would be impracticable or unlawful.


  1. Complaints or Questions

If you would like further information about how we manage your personal information, or if you have any queries relating to our Privacy Policy, or wish to lodge a complaint in relation to an alleged breach of the Privacy Act, please contact our Privacy Officer by:

Mail: privacy officer, P O Box 541, Rose Bay, Sydney NSW 2029


All complaints received by the Privacy Officer will be dealt with fairly and in a timely manner considering all the circumstances of the complaint. In most cases, we expect that complaints will be investigated, and a response provided within 30 days of receipt of the complaint. If the matter is more complex and our investigation may take longer, we will contact you and tell you when we expect to provide our response.


  1. Changes to this Policy

DVDJ may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. The current version will be posted on our website.

1st January 2022